ACCESSOIRRES AUTO is a collaborative and ongoing photo archiving project from Paulina Sycha & Juliana Müller. The collection documents decorations and curiosities from the world of car enthusiasts since 2019. Whether it's an air freshener, guardian angel, or talisman—sometimes intended for decoration, sometimes for pragmatic reasons—what hangs on the car mirror or piles up on the dashboard reveals a lot about its owner, their relationship to the vehicle, about status symbols and pride, if not about an entire era of fossil fuels. Given the current controversies surrounding individual mobility, activist roadblocks, climate catastrophes, and public protests, Accessoires Auto serves as a documentation of an age that may be coming to an end. For Accessoires Auto, Edition 1, the collection itself takes the form of yet another decorative object, leaving it open to speculation about what it will accessorize next, whether it's the rear-view mirror again or something entirely different.
Release 2023
Size 10 x 15 cm
Pages 87
Language EN