HUEY REMIXED: THE TIMELINE / MARK MULDER (Studio for Visual Pop Culture)
A History of Reproductions and Appropriations of the Iconic Image of Huey P. Newton in a Rattan Chair.
Huey Remixed: The Timeline is the result of a research project that investigates how remix strategies are used in design, art and visual culture through the reproductions and appropriations of the image of Huey P. Newton in a rattan chair. The collection of 160+ remixes is a case study that aims to deconstruct the principles of remix through methods such as sampling, collecting, indexing, appropriating, contextualising and collaging.
Huey Remixed: The Timeline, presents the many renditions of the image of the co-founder and Minister of Defense of the Black Panther Party in chronological order. The book reads like the biography of the image of ‘Huey in a rattan chair’; a representation of a “Black Urban Warrior” (Kathleen Cleaver, 2018), an icon of revolutionary art and a well-known figure in pop.culture. This publication takes you on a historical trip into the evolution of this particular image.
Release 2022
Size 14,8 x 10,5 cm & A3 poster as cover
Pages 380
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