Within the following texts Kate Price meanders you around different perspectives concerning the movement, travel and potential of seeds. Drawing from stories of friends, family, new acquaintances and her own histories situated in Melbourne and Rotterdam, these tales are sat alongside Dutch and Australian governmental policies and the offerings of Robin Wall Kimmerer, Sue Stuart-Smith, Vivien Sansour, Sara Ahmed and Taru Elfving. It is aimed that by moving between lived experiences, academic research and systematic procedures that a webbing of sorts is formed to begin to scratch at a topic as immense as this one.
Through this writing Price searches to convey the complexities that living with seeds can entail. Utilizing an approach of seeding or planting different viewpoints alongside each other, it is hoped that this multiplicity can reflect how life is often an intermeshed melting of shared realities. This methodology to look at multiple means of understanding is one Price is striving to implement within her working practice, that divergent ways of looking, listening and enacting should be honored as a means to delineate knowledge building.
The passages shift between fiction, non-fiction, styles and textures, twisting to encourage a sense of these shifting perspectives, of both human and more than human realities.
Release 2022
Size 15 x 10,5 cm
Pages 57
Language EN