Daniël van Nes is working on an interdisciplinary artistic universe, called SellFable, where boundaries between digitality and humanity are blurred. The Carbon Console chronicles SellFable’s building of the immersive, multidisciplinary Machine Relic art installation in 2020. It’s a portal that will carry the visitor away like an ancient sailing ship, towards unknown shores: anywhere but here. Whether it is experienced as a portal, a chapel, a mausoleum, a refuge, or something altogether different, is up to us. Its true purpose is open to our own interpretation and imagination. Once inside, the room captivates and immerses us with ever changing soundscapes and lights. We experience the machine coming to life, and it does what it was meant to do: transport us to that other universe: SellFable. The book takes you from the very first sketches through the construction and its ‘coming to life’ phase. The work is featured in the STRAAT Museum in Amsterdam.
Release 2021
Size 29,7 x 21 cm
Pages 112
Language EN