NIGHT TIME TRANSMISSIONS is a world. A stretch of land and shore and sea. A nocturnal town — and
just outside of it, the groaning Z-10: a working-and-residential complex of artists, sleepless and
(therefore) exhausted — rudely awoken from dreamy communal visions by the pressures of rising
rent, looming evictions, and other heavy Modern machinery… A world-forming and world-sized
fiction which allegorizes a real time in Bergur’s life and a real set circumstances and, apart from
the particulars and dramatizations, a “classic” situation for artists in general (as you maybe well
know). And it is an album. A musical story unfolding, specifically, over the two sides of the record.
Many voices make up this world and this album — and appropriately too. Ever increasingly,
Bergur’s focus, and his resulting research, are wading into the deep and rich waters of polyphony
and polyphonic storytelling.
Release 2021
Size 31 x 31 cm
Pages VINYL RECORD + text poster
Language EN